loyalty rewards programs
Swipe your way to exclusive offers and savings!

yay! rewards
Get on the YAY! List for VIP rewards
Simply swipe your YAY! card and receive points for every qualifying dollar you spend at any North Atlantic location, and at any Petro-Canada location in Newfoundland. Use your points to buy gas, snacks — pretty much anything in store!
And it doesn’t end there. As a YAY! card holder, you are always on the list for exclusive promotions and exciting giveaways like concert tickets, trips, and bonus YAY! points.
Fuel up on savings!
As a Petro-Points member, you’ll earn points on every qualifying purchase at any of our Petro-Canada locations — both in-store and at the pump. Reward yourself with fuel savings, gift cards, snacks — and even travel!
Earn even more with RBC® and Triangle Rewards®. Pay with a linked RBC® card and save 3 cents on every litre and earn 20% more points. Link with Triangle Rewards® and earn up to 3 cents back in CT Money® and 20% more points.